Né à Hull le 17 mars 1940, il est ordonné prêtre en décembre 1966. Il a fait des études spécialisées: Bacc. ès arts, licence en théologie, maitrise en pastorale spécialisée, cours en criminologie à l'Université de Montréal, scolarité de doctorat en théolorie. Il fût aumonier de prison pendant 38 ans.

  • Origin of the preacher: Montréal QC

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Why go on spiritual retreat ?

Whatever the reasons, the spiritual retreat is a breathing space in a setting that inspires inner reflection. The setting, silence and pace of the retreat give the participants the freedom to open up to themselves and to God.

A spiritual retreat is a break for the heart and the mind. It creates a breathing space for:

  • Relaxing, resting and finding comfort in the middle of our very busy lives;
  • Meeting with God in silence, reading his Word and rekindling the fire of our faith;
  • Reflecting on the meaning of our existence, taking a step back before making important choices;
  • Exploring the key questions of life and gaining a better understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith.
