Protecting children and young and vulnerable people
With the universal Church, the Foyers de Charité want to examine every aspect of the scourge and the suffering represented by pedocriminality for any society and the huge consequences it has on the personal life, psychology and spiritual life of those who are or have been victims of it.
« Like a loving mother, the Church loves all her children, but cares for and protects the smallest and most defenceless with a very particular affection: It is a task which Christ Himself entrusted to the entire Christian community as a whole. Aware of this, the Church remains vigilant regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults »Pope Francis, June 4th, 2016
(Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu proprio).
The Foyers de Charité reaffirms their determination to fight against pedocriminality, sexual assault and all forms of abuse, in collaboration with the judicial and ecclesial authorities in the different countries where they are located.
Our mission of hospitality and openness to all (children, young people, adults) makes us accountable for the way we take care of the smallest and most vulnerable.
Faced with the gravity of the subject and the urgency to take action, we want to implement these measures and make a real commitment to this fight against sexual abuse to ensure that the Church is “a safe and secure home” for those who come seeking inward renewal.

to fight against pedocriminality and sexual assault
At the initiative of the Moderator Father and the International Council of the Foyers, a reception and monitoring unit to combat pedocriminality and sexual assault in the Foyers de Charité was created in June 2017.
It is composed of men and women who are members of the Foyers de Charité, and takes advice from professionals in the legal and psychological domains.
The tasks of this unit are as follows:
- Propose campaigns to build awareness and prevent the abuse of people within the Foyers de Charité.
- Welcome and gather any testimonies involving a member of the Foyers de Charité (priest or lay person) in order to discern what steps to take.
- Provide all those who turn to the unit for help with a response and receive them if they wish.
- In cases where the justice system can no longer operate, carry out the necessary investigations (meet witnesses, consult archives, carry out any research on other people, etc.) in order reveal the truth with greater clarity.
- Advise the Moderator Father on the measures to be taken, in association with the legal and ecclesial authorities.
with the unit set up by the Foyers de Charité
Anti-abuse unit
The Foyers de Charité
85 rue Geoffroy de Moirans
26330 Châteauneuf de Galaure, France
The Conference of Bishops of France can also receive testimonies at the e-mail address paroledevictimes@cef.fr
In accordance with the procedures in force in the Church, the different episcopal conferences of the countries where the Foyers de Charité are located can also be contacted.
When someone is aware of a crime (remember that rape is a crime) or specific evidence regarding the improper treatment or sexual assault of minors, they must notify the police. In such a case, no distinction can be made regarding the position of the alleged abuser. Whether it is a priest, lay educator or member of the victim’s family, the acts must be reported.
In France, in accordance with articles 434-1 and 434-3 of the Criminal Code, not reporting such acts is an offence and is punishable by imprisonment for 3 years and a fine of €45,000.
From the Fight against paedophilia site
the protection of minors and the fight against all forms of abuse
Vatican Summit for the Protection of Minors in the Church (21-24 February 2019) Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors Centre for Child Protection/Pontifical Gregorian University Letter from Pope Francis to the People of God (20 August 2018) Motu proprio « Vos estis lux mundi ». New norms for the whole Church against those who abuse or cover up
of the Foyers de Charité
Creation of an independent and multidisciplinary research commission Following calls from some of the media regarding the hearing of a couple for "slanderous accusation" on 27 February 2019 in the criminal court of Châlons-en-Champagne (22 February 2019) 2nd message of the Moderator Father about serious acts committed by Fr André-Marie van der Borght (4 December 2018) Press releases about the Foyer de Charité of Baye, following the announcement of the State Counsel of Châlons-en-Champagne (30 October 2018) Message of the Moderator Father to the members and friends of the Foyers de Charité about Fr André-Marie van der Borght (12 October 2018) Letter to the members and friends of the Foyers de Charité, about the Foyers de Charité of Baye (4 April 2018) Control measures against paedophilia and sexual abuse in the Foyers de Charité (October 2017) To all the Foyers de Charité (18 June 2017) To the Foyers de Charité of France, Belgium and Switzerland (24 May 2017): read and work on the brochure published by the Conference of Bishops of France "Fight against paedophilia"